Tuesday, March 14, 2023

At the crossroads of Hopewell Rd. and Bondesville


At the crossroads of Hopewell Rd. and Bondesville



 On my commute to work one day I came down to an intersection I frequently cross.  This day my heart was battling to hold onto positivity. As I stopped at the light and looked up, the two crossroads stood out; Hopewell rd. and  Bondsville rd. I was overcome with the thought, which road will you take, The Holy Spirits whisper to me, will you go the way of hope or bondage? 

  At the crossroads, which way to go

 Familiar fleshly desires directing the show

Well acquainted sight and senses

Trekking along unawares ,


suddenly sidetracked into the trenches

Hearts bereft, disappointed and grieving 

Bitterness, anger and hopelessness receiving 


Now Ensnared, led by another’s will

This treacherous way to Bondsville.

Twisted vines becoming burdened chains.

Lost hope now enslaves.


At the Crossroads


Oh, to Hopewell Road the way is tough

To have faith and believe He is enough

 Higher thoughts point to heavenly truth.

This way with little Tangible proof

To wait for the possibility of more,

Will He bring back, make new, restore?

To have trust and confidence?

This hope belies all commonsense!

This the perspective away from hell

To Hopewell Road where one hopes well


Here at the crossroads which way will you go?