1, 2, 3 eyes on me....In a preschool classroom, that is a familiar phrase used to gain the children's attention. In the special education preschool class where I work it takes many different prompts to help them focus on the needed instructions. I sometimes have them clap hands, stretch high in the air, give themselves a hug. Any thing that breaks their wandering gaze. That is very much how I think our heavenly father tries to get us to refocus on his son. I so easily wander from what I learned earlier in the week, day etc. I can experience wonderful truths about how God is working in other women's lives and soon start to drift into "naval gazing" (a friends coined phrase). Sometimes just like my special needs kiddos I need more input to gain my attention, a fresh look at the word, a word of encouragement, a change of posture or a simple move towards obedience. Today, thankfully all that was needed was a gentle whisper...1, 2, 3 eye's on me.
Such wisdom in a few brief words. Thanks!