Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Loop Poetry Prompt ...What would life be like without God?


Loop poetry prompt Life with- out God


Loop Poetry Prompt ...What would life be like without God?

A tiny voice clamoring me, me, me .

Giant sized emotions stepping anywhere it wants

Seeking and devouring all in its wake

The ever-growing hunger taunts

Greed unchecked say’s its mine to take

Simple desires turned into burning lust

Darkness befriended

Increasing hatred and mistrust

All beauty suspended

All hope destroyed

Death and destruction have its day

Love and joy now void

My very being and all around shattered without you Lord

Your breath and light in this world casting hope and warmth.

 Your love for your creation is endless even when not returned.





Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Loop Poetry Prompt #What the Body holds


Loop Poetry Prompt Body


 Always at odds

Mismatched energy

Ebbing lethargy

Fear undergirding

Uncertainty lurking

The clumsy one

The dread of not being capable

Oh to be able

The body betrays

Not always willing to obey

The war within

How to explain

The workings of this broken body and brain

Reunion beginning

Soul to body forgiving

To honor this space

To care and give grace

My worth not in the doing

Learn to rest in the renewing

Fear of man breaking

This my body embracing


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Alone or aloneness


Loop poetry prompt

Alone or aloneness

To be in the quiet, sequestered away in my safe spot, to sit and be still where breath enlarges, oh to be alone with the lover of my soul

Noise and clamor, Fear creeping in, accuser whispers, the utter isolation to be with others and not known, the aloneness.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

loop poetry prompt Eve



# loop poetry prompt


Coheir, equal in stance

Naked, with no shame

Fully woman, inherently valued

Filled to the utmost

Created to be creative

Safely ensconced

Fearlessly Free


Beloved daughter

Walk now this way

remember the cost has been paid

The path cleared to move unafraid

Let my light invade

Surrender all fear and all pain

My Kingdom still your domain.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

They were naked and unashamed


                                                       They were naked and unashamed


Slithering bonds enclosing hearts

Hiding, covering in fear

Bloody animal on untouched skin.

, The layers piling on,

Undergarments, corsets, cloaks.

Garments in extravagance all to mask the truth,

Our natural selves cannot bear.

Veils falling open,

Restrictions loosening,

Slowly to allow the unwrapping.

Naked we came in and naked we will leave.

Even now the invitation to walk in pureness

To trust and not be afraid.

Genesis 2;25"Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame"

Genesis 3:7 "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons…"

.Genesis 3;10 He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Pieces of Truth


Pieces of truth

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6


The truth, we seek it, but how often do we seek our own truth rather than the whole truth. We Seek a truth that lines up with our views and then begin to judge others according to our truths.  We deny the living Truth in others or want to place all things into categories of truth, not truth, good, bad; constantly moving into camps. Jesus is Truth. The whole Truth, the eternal Truth, the Truth beyond all understanding. His love for us is an eternal truth that cannot be shaken or moved. We, God’s created beings, are carriers or repositories for that truth. But we are not the sole proprietors of it. Can i be humble enough to bow down before God and say I am not the owner of truth.  The bible say's We are to “reject foolish and ignorant speculation, for you know that it breeds quarreling." Even in our most educated , studied and pious positions we still do not hold the entirety of truth and much of the time it falls into speculation. In Psalm 119 over and over there is a plea to understand, to be taught, to be directed in the ways and the decrees of God. It is not a final destination of knowing but an ongoing relational knowledge that the Lord directs dependent on the heart that desires to be led.

” We tend to hold our truth so closely never seeing the whole. Or we hold our truth above everyone else, denying the possibility of more truth as yet not seen by us. My heart has recently just felt the weight of trying to discern all the different voices espousing "truth', but in reality God is truth, the only real “side” to be taken or postured in. But and it’s a big but, can I also recognize that others do have a piece of truth as well. Believers have been given the spirit of truth that will reveal all things but they are not yet fully revealed. Can I start to look at the many “truths out there and fit the puzzle pieces back into the originator of Truth, admitting the possibility that I truly see in part as do all mortals.


Romans 7:23

But I see another law at work in my body, warring against the law of my mind and holding me captive to the law of sin that dwells within me.

2 Timothy 2:23
But reject foolish and ignorant speculation, for you know that it breeds quarreling.

Titus 3:9
But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, arguments, and quarrels about the Law, because these things are pointless and worthless.


15“If you love me, keep my commands. 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 

 I am laid low in the dust;
    preserve my life according to your word.
26 I gave an account of my ways and you answered me;
    teach me your decrees.
27 Cause me to understand the way of your precepts,
    that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds.
28 My soul is weary with sorrow;
    strengthen me according to your word.
29 Keep me from deceitful ways;
    be gracious to me and teach me your law.
30 I have chosen the way of faithfulness;
    I have set my heart on your laws.
31 I hold fast to your statutes, Lord;
    do not let me be put to shame.
32 I run in the path of your commands,
    for you have broadened my understanding.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Spirit of Mammon,Oh mighty dollar;money

Spirit of Mammon,Oh mighty dollar;money
Beginning of theology and greed becoming chummy.
Evil disguised as provision,
Influencing all decisions.

Fighting for me and mine,
Truth and justice no longer align
Worry over land and prosperity,
Fear of scarcity,
Wealth sliding into supremacy,
Releasing a  "see me as supreme" legacy.

Division between races birthing slavery,
Policies and systems increase knavery.
Covering of sins in false narrative,
Redeeming relations now a prerogative.
Lynchings and land confiscation,
Equity for all not an obligation.
Justice tethered and tied 
to fortunes and pride.
In our selfishness we continue to hide...

Lord, help us to come along side
and battle as your war bride.
Uniting as one tribe!
Fighting the darkness that has crept in,
Lamenting the truth of our sin,
As a nation, "in money", we have believed,
watching idly as the "others" bleed.
But what IF in His abundance we released
our tight grip?
Wielding our resources for Him?
No longer enslaved by generational lies,
trusting in his divine supply?
Mammon's influence on his bride 
truly broken by our  repentant cries. 

Thank you to this panel discussion for your really thought provoking discussion

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Tree thoughts

Deep roots... time for fruit

Intertwining hearts and minds
In the quiet nutrients to find
Building sturdy base
Like a thickening waist
Branching wide
Shade and covering supplied
Buds and blossoms bursting
Fruit now birthing

Deepening roots and anchoring in the savior
Feeding our souls and spirit
Feasting on his truth creating a strong foundation
The reaching beyond our selves begins the budding
Fruit the byproduct of all that has come before

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My Fathers house

My fathers house
This is my fathers house. My church is, mine, it is not a place that belongs to the world. My beloved, you are my ecclesia. Why do the people brand my church? Marking it as theirs? I will be their God and they will be my people, my promise to you. Come, I am inviting you in this time to come together and to begin the journey to becoming one tribe. Will you follow me into making it my fathers house again? As you gather in different locations and as communities will you remember each other? We are a family Your brothers and sisters in the next building all belong to my family. In Revelation my churches were named because of where they were located and what things they had or had not done. They are not XYZ church or ABC church. My heart is, that at this time of being away from your gatherings, the eyes and hearts of my chosen ones would open. Come and see my hearts cry for my bride. Come join me and be about my father’s business. The world has for too long had a hold on my beloved. Branding and marketing my church as if it were a product to be bought or sold. A thing to attract people to. OH my children the lost will know me when they see you standing as one. How can you be one when you don’t even understand whose house it is. My heart is that in this next season my bride will begin to reach beyond man made walls and see your brothers and sisters. That you would break the need to label and brand your gatherings and come back to understanding worshiping together in my father’s house.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Tuning in or tuning out

Tuning in or tuning out

In this time of uncertainty, we can all feel the charge in the air, an uneasiness or even anxiousness. And we all have ways of coping with this unease. Sometimes we push it aside or perhaps go towards numbing through busyness. Some become overwhelmed and some cling to a form of faith or still others check out from the world. None are wrong but what if we decided to tune in.  To tune into our body’s signals’ and at the same time tune out the noise of the world.  What if we asked the holy one who dwells inside, what is going on within? Are you feeling anxious? Tune in and see is your body craving some nurturing?  When you turn on the news are you holding your breath? When the thought of home schooling arises, are your fists or teeth clenching? The Seattle school of Theology and Psychology talks about Attunement and says…
“it is all too easy to tune out our bodies, to ignore how they communicate our need for nurture. What are the practices that help us listen to our bodies? What are the rhythms and rituals that connect us to those deep, vulnerable parts of our bodies and souls that are crying out for care?” ( The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology)
We are body, soul and spirit and often in the church we focus much on soul and spirit but place the body aside. Yes, this flesh will pass away but the spirit of the living God is housed in those who know him. This house needs care and attention. This temple is what we must work with, in the here and now. How can we cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord when our bodies are filled with unacknowledged tension and fear? This gift of flesh can be a gateway to a deeper walk when we learn to tune in to it.
We are not placing our bodies on a pedestal rather giving it honor by listening to it. Our bodies/flesh can be used as a thermometer for what is really going on in our hearts, which then gives us a place to enter into prayer. If our minds and bodies are filled with unidentified emotions, it can be difficult to “be still and know that he is God”.
This time away from familiar schedules and rhythms can make us feel out of sync. Conversely it can also be a time for setting a new rhythm. The sabbath has been something we have begun to make a practice of in our home lately. We have been setting a time to light candles and celebrate the Jewish practice of Shabbat, and as we have done this for a few months now, we can see the crazies of the week visibly leave our bodies.  Our breath deepens and our muscles begin to release the tension they held. Our voices soften and we are better able to commune.
This week try to tune into your body, are your shoulders elevated, breath shallow, speech too fast?
As you tune in, tune out the lie that God is not in control, acknowledge what your body is saying.  Try a breath prayer. Pause. Take a few minutes to just breathe. Practice meditating on a verse. Go for a run and pray for your neighbors. Or perhaps just dig in the garden, have a tickle fight with a loved one, visually take in the beauty of spring. Take notice how your body responds to these sacred moments, can you sense the tension leaving, the breath deepening. Tune in for a few more moments and try to sense what was behind the tension. Are you feeling a sense of sadness? Disappointment? There is much to feel in these times, acknowledge the emotions. As you identify with these things turn them into more focused prayers for yourselves and others. Tune into the Lord's heartbeat and breathe, allowing yourself to have greater union with soul, spirit and body.

On Death and resurrection…

Covid-19, Easter, Passover, and Quarantine
What do they all have in common?
Death and Life.  These past weeks of isolation has given much pause to the meaning dying to self. As we watch the news and hear of the destructiveness of this disease to not only our physical bodies but also to the fabric of our society it can seem like death is having its say. But those of us who are in relationship with Jesus, know that this is only part of the story, even as Good Friday meant death on a cross, Easter means life and resurrection. So too Passover in this season has had a memorable impact as many have and are praying that this spirit of death will Passover our families, communities, country, and world.
And then there is Quarantine…

A good friend recently spoke about how this time of pandemic has brought much healing and more understanding of the concept of death and life into her heart. It spoke to my heart in the moment and has begun to stir up previous encounters with the Lord about dying to self. And then this scripture 2 Corinthians 4:6-12 came along in my daily reading. We are” always carrying in our flesh the death of Jesus”,” always being given over to death for Jesus’s sake”. The day to day struggles of not walking as closely as we ought, the moments of regret are opportunities to be given over to death. “Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”  The words are familiar, and truths that we know, but today as we continue to “shelter in place” can we let them strike deeper.
 The thousand deaths we die, are the way of life. The death of Jesus being understood as the ultimate gift, his life exchanged for our freedom to have fellowship with the father, but can we comprehend that this death in ourselves is also a gift. The verse says, “so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies”. That the always being given over to death is for Jesus’ sake. This helps keep perspective on the “good” days and “bad” days. The work of death is, as many have said before, like seeds buried in the ground, enclosed in darkness, so that the breaking open towards life can happen. Our “Corona world” is time for embracing the dying. Dying to self-centeredness, dying to consumerism, dying to distracted living, dying to people pleasing, dying to individualism, dying to fear. The thing is, that the death, is not something we have to achieve, we are “always” being given over to death for the sake of Jesus. Who is doing the giving? “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” He has given us knowledge to know, to be able to, in death and darkness, birth new life.  And now as we approach Pentecost and the possibility of “freedom” from our lock down, this new life is beginning to glimmer more. Pentecost being a time when Jesus ascended to heaven and the holy Spirit came down and brought a new way of being in Christ. The question that I am pondering is” what things will I, and should I resurrect?” What parts of my,” before” Covid-19, life does God want to breathe new life into and what parts should remain dead? This then is where intimate communication or prayer is so important. How can we know what the Lord wants to breath his spirit on unless we ask. As we look towards this transition back into our world, I feel it is such an important time to seek the father’s heart and truly asses where and what should stay buried as well as what is truly essential to living more fully for the Lord. Are there places that have seemed to have suddenly filled you with a sense of purpose, peace, and life?  Perhaps these are the areas that God is doing a new thing in.

 But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.  We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair;  persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;  always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.  So death is at work in us, but life in you.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

What strange lands do we venture in?

What strange lands do we venture in?
what strange times are we now commence?
Alice’s’ tipsy turvy world to our chagrin
Jesus turning all upside down
Hustle bustle suspended indefinitely
Where is that solid ground?
Where is true credibility?
Wise words and fluffy sentiment
Lest we forget fretfulness and foreboding
All trying to be relevant
Scientists, doctors, prophets all attempt decoding
Sabbath and rest
Life and death
Broken hearts displaced
Best of plans laid bare
Heights and depths chase
Momentary times without care
 Blessed are the meek
Our abilities to control now cease
What treasure do we seek?
The unexplained, A holy peace

Monday, March 23, 2020

Socially distancing and isolation in proximity

Socially distancing and isolation in proximity

Socially distancing and isolation in proximity

These words bubbled up as I was walking alone at a park with literally 100 or so people social distancing too. We all are trying to understand these times that have shaken us out of our rhythms and places of “normalcy”. Many of us feel it as a time to enter into something different but unsure of the bigger picture. For others it is a time where we gather deeper into our families and rediscover close connections. For some, fear keeps pushing up into the surface, as “what if and what then?” questions rise. And probably for most, it is all of the above and more.  And as the initial waves of the newness of being apart wears off and stretches longer than we hope, feelings of isolation and loneliness may also start to stir. Those who claim a faith in a power higher may be finding some comfort overall but also “battling “the unknown and the lack of community. Community is a word we throw around with a Christian ease in the church and in the world at large we talk of building strong community. Covid-19 has surely stopped those thoughts and practices in their tracks...But does it have to?  
Can we re-imagine what community is? Hasn't humanity been practicing a form of isolation in proximity for a long time.  Pseudo sense of being together but not knowing ourselves or each other. I feel in my own struggles and processing, a call, an invitation, to enter into a deeper connection with my relationship with Jesus as well as with family. Here is the rub, being in close quarters with loved ones can feel tricky, in that sometimes, and I would dare say most often, with those closest to us the “real “us peaks out. Our impatience, selfishness, self-reliance etc oozes out. This social distancing has de-cluttered our schedules but also rips at the fabric of our camouflage. It does not feel good.
Can we begin to move closer in, first to ourselves and then learn how better to connect with others.  What does it look like to offer yourself a sense of acceptance and kindness? To no longer isolate your emotions and stories but to more fully connect to our whole selves, warts and all. The hiding of ourselves began in a garden, I believe we each have a certain time we have been allocated and believe that this strange season we find our world in is truly an opportunity. An opportunity to stop isolating the real us and to then begin to move in a new way, that though physically distant, we learn to move more intimately with those around us. Let’s rename social distancing to intimate proximity. Can we learn to be truly more real and connected with those closest to us and when we are no longer bound by physically distancing ourselves learn how to be socially intimate in proximity?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

this crazy COVED-19 Flu

This crazy COVED-19 Flu
potential chaos
Yet the birds still chirp
the sun shines
spring flowers push up
Life is slowing down
A time when worldly
enterprises stand still
trusted platforms bend
Shaking up of status quo
May a new hunger
begin to stir
social distancing
give way to
community rebirth
The atmosphere infused
uncertainty and fear
the future unclear
Grab hold of the
unwavering rock
taking stock
truth will never depart
the promises of old
store them in
your heart
the living word
in heavenly realms
every prayer heard
aligning back
all relations
God and man
all of humanity
to creation
the antidote to insanity
 shalom released
placing our feet
exchanging self for others
The sacrificial lamb
the cover
to all our needs
Holy spirit
help us discover
futile thoughts and deeds
turning into celestial pleas
Up to the one who saves
breaking forth in
unadulterated praise
This generation to break bondage's
freeing slaves

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Photo Credits Lynne Burkholder

Legacy from the son
The gift of touch
Flesh and spirit united as one
His life source flows
Evil overrun

Hands moving on his command
Hearts and souls undone
Seemingly simple gestures
Power and authority commissioned
Breaking strongholds, wiping tears

Touch part of the mission
Love born into action
Reaching for another one
Beyond ourselves
Earthly provision
Hands made for glory
Hands in submission

Looking back hands have always had a place in my heart. From earliest times my understanding shaped greatly by my own sister with Cerebral Palsy. Her own hands, spastic and jerky, unable to even hold a spoon to feed herself.  Born into the fabric of my heart to be another’s hands. In time though the robber robbing purpose, hands used for its own desires, creativity and design derailed. Glimpses forming as hands learn to work with bodies delayed and deformed for a living. Hands then reborn into a body covered by grace, learning how to serve. Children’s bottoms and noses wiped, crafting and exploring creation, hosting, serving all moving in the direction of purpose. The battle coming when honoring became difficult, caring for my mother in law, the lord having his way through a season of strain, in the end, hands united with the savior. Massaging feet and the words from a poem “The blessing of the hands” striking deep with in my soul but still my understanding fuzzy. The gift of words and prophecy elevated in the religious world, the speaking and spoken some how crowding out other gifts. Learning that hands that move like the one who moved heaven and hell for his children is a gift. Hands of love that move in action and power to be celebrated. Our physical touch empowered by a supernatural force emanating love through the most benign movements. This is beating at my heart. Jesus walked and talked, looked and saw, and he touched.

Friday, February 7, 2020

the process

Loop Poetry Prompt
 the process

Spiraling around,
Circling, running aground
Discernment, hurt and truth
Shame, anger and truth
Lies, pride and truth
Repent, forgive, release
Mercy spilling into grace
Grace turning into love
Heart turning back to peace

Saturday, February 1, 2020

To Christopher

To Christopher
A gift of words to you
love mama cupo

Climbing, grinning, on the move
In the thick and in the groove
Mountains, roads and walls to tackle
Ordinary life cannot shackle
In joy always ready to croon
Music and original tunes
Taking others by hand
Directing towards the promise land
Living life with your own brand
But always willing to join the band
Loving poured out in every way
Jesus’ compassion and faithfulness on display
Shepherding those all around
Your worship a weapon for bringing strong holds down
Man of the hour
In Christ full of power
Today to walk in assurance
Given strength and endurance
To run the race
May you overflow with unending grace

Monday, January 20, 2020

you give your all

Your mercy washes new.

I hold back, you give all

I reserve, diminishing the call.

Other's in refusal or hesitation
 to them a deadly destination
Ananias and Sapphira with holding
But how sweet the voice of the one with in
No shouting or scolding

“Trust and give a better offering,
Unleashing is an answer to your prayers,
Giving unblemished prize,
Fostering in you a softer side”

Your mercy washes over me.

When I hold back, you give all.

Teach me holy spirit to answer the call

The initial pangs of release 
Filled eventually with peace
The greater gift mine
To Trust in the divine
Finding courage with each new stride
In obedience, your love magnified

If I hold back you, you always give your all
In Christ I cannot   fall

And yet in refusal how much is lost
Opportunity to say yes and not count the cost
To follow fearlessly
Giving all cheerfully

This the example of the one who answered the call
Not holding back his life, giving all.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Word for 2020 Resilient

  Loop Poetry Prompt Beginnings 

Word for 2020

A new season of running the race
In the past fear setting the pace
asking for a word for today
Lord speak to my heart, dispel all dismay
Whisper released ..."Resilient"
Really Lord? My heart pushing back in resistance
Tough, stretched, able to recover from adversity?
Lord does this mean pain, suffering and infirmity?
Leaning in guardedly
I begin to trust even if imperfectly
" I will increase your capacity"
"I am your stamina, your staying power"
"Your endurance for every hour"
The days now beginning and end in awe and amazement
Squashing of the self talk and abasement
He carries me through holding my hand
Ever lifting my gaze invited into" In Christ I can!"