Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Marking our houses with the blood of the Lamb

 I was recently brought back to remembering the first Passover. Both Israelites and Egyptians experienced the first few plagues. They were in the midst of a move of God who was about to bring a new freedom, but all experienced the initial turmoil. The first three plagues affected both Egypt and Isael.  Then the Lord makes a distinction between them with the latter plagues. When the Lord told Moses to have them prepare the Passover lambs and mark their doors, they were also to share the Passover meal with their neighbors, and those who were without the lambs. They stayed in their homes not to step out or look at the devastation of the angel of death. And in that time, when death had passed over, they were given treasures and abundance to help them on their journey through the wilderness. As I listen to Wanda Algier, and many others who are speaking of the times to come, the trials of this age, I cannot, but think that we the church are similar to the Israelites in Egypt. As we await our deliver, there will be afflictions and trials, some we will be saved from and ultimately as we mark our doors with the blood of the lamb will be saved. And when we come out, we will come out as one people, the church as one, even as Israel went out as one. They were a slave nation without real identity, but they came out of Egypt as one tribe.
As they traveled and moved, they followed so dependently and close to the presence of the Lord. The Lord their God was their cloud by day, and the fire by night, with which they moved and depended on.AS we move into more chaotic times in this age, I know that we will have our own tribulations. We will also go through many plagues but as believers we also will at some point be differentiated from the world.  When the Israelites were told to prepare a Passover lamb and mark their doorposts, they were also instructed to invite those around them who did not have their own lamb. To provide covering for others. We to as the church are to invite and cover those without the lamb's blood. Whether spiritually or in the flesh we can share the covering blood of Jesus.