Spirit of Mammon,Oh mighty dollar;money
Beginning of theology and greed becoming chummy.
Evil disguised as provision,
Influencing all decisions.
Fighting for me and mine,
Truth and justice no longer align
Worry over land and prosperity,
Fear of scarcity,
Wealth sliding into supremacy,
Releasing a "see me as supreme" legacy.
Division between races birthing slavery,
Policies and systems increase knavery.
Covering of sins in false narrative,
Redeeming relations now a prerogative.
Lynchings and land confiscation,
Equity for all not an obligation.
Justice tethered and tied
to fortunes and pride.
In our selfishness we continue to hide...
Lord, help us to come along side
and battle as your war bride.
Uniting as one tribe!
Fighting the darkness that has crept in,
Lamenting the truth of our sin,
As a nation, "in money", we have believed,
watching idly as the "others" bleed.
But what IF in His abundance we released
our tight grip?
Wielding our resources for Him?
No longer enslaved by generational lies,
trusting in his divine supply?
Mammon's influence on his bride
truly broken by our repentant cries.
Thank you to this panel discussion for your really thought provoking discussion