Friday, January 15, 2021

step out take 2


The poem below was written in 2016 and recently I was reminded of it, and led to go back and reread it. Many of us  have sheltered in place or been forced to forge out into the unknown of Covid this year or perhaps have  become overwhelmed by the political climate to the point of loosing all hope in humanity.  And perhaps like myself
you may feel battered and bruised or isolated and unsure. The words step out, step out are stirring in my heart. There has been a physical space to be in self confinement but I wonder how many have also felt the deep pit of isolation and restriction. A spiritual and soul tethering, leaving us holding our breath more often than not. I feel the Holy spirit say to me step out, step out from the familiar and stop looking for normal. It's time to climb up and out from the swampy, murky waters of our world and walk in a new way.  To move in freedom of heart and spirit, to love better and not fear. We each have a call  or to quote some one I heard, we each have an "assignment" to fulfill. A purpose in life and no matter how small or big it is it is time to come out and move in courage. step out of confusion and chaos, step away from distractions and divisiveness. And whether they are baby steps or giant leaps the goal is to
 be brave and bold and continue the journey . 

The hand cuffs are unlocked

The jail cells door is unblocked

Step out people, step out.

The stone has been rolled away

No need to linger or to stay

Step out church, step out.

In your self-confinement, freedom withering
 His light only dimly flickering

Step out believers, step out.

Come out like Lazarus did
Step out and begin to really live

With the very breath of life

No longer captives,
Throw off the enemies tactics,

Step out in loving assurance.

The debts been paid,
No longer burdened to live like slaves.

Step out with your God given Keys,
Step out and set the others free.

Jesus no longer on the cross,
Our liberty He did not count the cost.

Step out so the blood shed is not wasted,
In Freedom help others to taste it.
Our Lights to shine bright,

Bringing the hope of God into the night.
Step out...

1 comment:

  1. Dale, this is so inspired, so anointed, so blessed. I appreciate your writing style and I love your heart💗 Keep seeking dear girl
