Thursday, December 7, 2023

Devotional On Rest


Devotional for KWA assignment

Mathew 11:28

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


How Can one find rest for their souls? What is rest? How often does rest conjure up images of naps on the couch, vacationing at the beach or getting away to do nothing?

My dear one, I the Lord have been inviting my creation into rest from the very beginning. To enter my rest is to trust me. My beloved the worries of this world are heavy and many but when you abide in me, that oneness creates a place to enter my rest. It is a place to be still and know my heart for you and to experience healing for your wounded soul. It is a place where the hustle, hurry and hurts can be laid upon my shoulders. My rest is where you learn to breathe again. It is where the cacophony of the world is quieted so that you can hear my voice. Even I, the Lord of all creation rested on the 7th day. Rest and sabbath are intertwined. It is to lay aside the work that will always be there and believe that if you stop your “doing” that I do not stop. I hold all things together and am faithful and true. Come away and rest under the shelter of the most High and allow me to renew you. My precious son longs for you to come to him in your weariness. His arms are wide open to receive your burdens. My Holy spirit desires you to be filled to overflowing with the understanding of my love for you. Hear my call and come to me my weary one and I will give you rest.



Dale Cupo


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