Tuesday, February 22, 2022

What is your sound

August 2021...During a time of worship, I saw the Lord give me a tabletop harp, an oboe and bagpipes.

Later I looked up what they symbolize.

Harp= Music of Angels" a sacred instrument of healing. It has the power of vibration to touch us deeply on many levels.

Oboe= it is delicate yet harmonious. A distinct sound (I have a distinct sound that matters)

Bagpipes= instrument of power, symbol of mourning, freedom and strength. It is a battle sound.

What is your sound? 

We are all meant to have a voice, a sound in this world and sometimes it works in harmony with others, sometimes it is a solo and sometimes it creates dissonance. When we play our heavenly melodies and release our notes together with others in unity, we create a beautiful sound.

 Are you like an angelic harp with music that soothes and brings healing? Are you like an oboe, unique and distinct? Or like a bagpipe, strong and powerful, declaring battle. Sometimes we are a combination or in different seasons called to make a different sound. Get to know your sound and make a joyful noise with it. Learn to play your tune in the right times and seasons with the right instrument!


Reframing my perspective

 writing and painting from 6/2021 journal entry

Dead things fill my sight, heart numb and blurry, reframe with larger lenses, more definition coming into view, Now discerning shape and color. Reframe yet again and glimmers of hope begin to shine. Reframing, encompassing the bigger picture life more evident. Reframing our hearts... how often do we look from the lenses of death and bitterness, allowing emotions to make friend into foe, daily life into drudgery and worries into catastrophe. What if we were to step back from our narrow focus on what is dead and began to reframe it looking for the life and hope in the situation.