The day the waves came in and crashed upon my heart.
it all seemed so unexpected.
Had the tide been turning, and I somehow missed the signs?
unable to catch my very breath, disoriented grabbing and
pulling on anything nearby.
the pain seeping into the most inconvenient places
The questions leaving bitter taste.
all rational thought dissipated.
the Anger, rage and shame never anticipated.
The day the waves came in and crashed upon my heart.
How to begin again the hardest part
To take stock and behold how the signs were there.
To take responsibility for my own trepidation and fear
But also, in truth some waves are not my fault.
Disappointment, desire and blame pieces of the assault
dusting off the salty remnants from the crashing surf,
dying to what was and understanding the hurt
Holding onto my saviors’ hands
Confident now in the weapons I command
No longer the same the day the waves came and crashed upon my