Monday, February 27, 2017

Growing pink

Growing pink

White: holy unblemished and pure
Not of this world
Nor of human form
Perfect sacrifice forevermore

Red: rivulets from flesh surrendered
Earthly gift
Heavenly giver
Life flowing act of love

Growing pink deep inside
Something new
Supernatural flow
Out pouring agape’
 Emanating beyond all borders
Deposited spirit and love
Moving mountains external and within

 During  a teaching on hearing God's voice, We were to  ask God What color do you see in so and so... My Partner replied green on the outside( for growing) and Pink in the middle but the pink was really God's pureness in white, mixed with God's love in red...thus the poem .

Friday, February 17, 2017




Lumpy old clay,

Loving hands molding.

Useful vessel

 Filled with living each day

Imperfect cistern,

Leaky cracks unable to hold,

Constant flowing in

  Momentary glimpses of eternal springs.

Fractures growing in evidence,

 Seeping, sieve of a jar,

Never the less unending source

  Life blood streaming in decadence.

Ordinary container,

Empty ever so quickly,

Words of eternity poured out

 Created to be a love retainer.

Seams in repair,

Gaps tended and cleaned.

Gold dust filling,

 Mended with holy Care.


Sanctified Vessels,

Earthenware being overlaid.

Transformed holder,

 Now fashioned with Precious metals.

"Kintsugi is the centuries-old Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with a special lacquer dusted with powdered gold, silver, or platinum." We are like ordinary vessels that often have flaws and cracks and dings and it sometimes feels like in one breath we are filled with his presence and the next feeling so empty. But our heavenly potter continues to pour into us a never ending supply of love and continues to fill those cracks with gold dust transforming us into beautiful vessels.

Image taken from

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ain't no small thing

Ain't no small thing

Small things count, small things are stepping stones of obedience, and even a small pebble makes ripples in a pond.( IF Gathering inspired)

The nod of the head as you drove by,
The shy hello in passing,
Even the smile flashed on the fly…
Ain't no small thing

The hug and warm embrace,
That kind word of encouragement,
The way you remembered my name…
Ain't no small thing

Your listening ear,
Spoken prayer,
And an invitation to share…
Ain't no small thing.

When asked to come for tea,
Delivered a much needed meal,
Or said yeah come over I’m free…
Ain't no small thing

When you welcomed me into your mess,
Let me into your pain,
Or offered your forgiveness…
Ain't no small thing

Walks and talks together,
Coffee breaks and texting messages,
Offered friendship in full measure…
Ain't no small thing

When you loved my unlovable,
Brought balm for my wounds
And held me when unconsolable…
Ain't no small thing

When you placed your heart on display
And waited patiently for me
Day after day committing to pray…
Ain't no small thing

When you coached and instructed,
Or admitted you just didn’t know,
When I let you down and still you trusted…
Ain't no small thing

When He chatted with the woman at the well
Turned water into wine
Or Broke bread with the twelve…
Aint no small thing.