Tuesday, October 31, 2017

mountain mover

Mountain Mover

Imposing mountains loom,
Casting dark shadows
Blocking light needed to bloom
Night and fear enclose,
Sun eclipsed,
Losing hope,
Summits appear firmly fixed.

Oh but who is He?
The one who spoke creation
The one who parts the sea
The one who sets foundations

The story writer
The one who makes a way
The one who is our lamplighter
Who on the cross his love was displayed

He is the mountain mover
He dispels the blackness
He holds the future
He wipes tears and turns mourning into gladness.

He is the father that walks beside
He is the holy one enthroned above
He is the one who changes the tide
His power is more than enough

He is our inner peace
He is our sheltering fortress
In him our strivings cease
In him we are found faultless

He is the one who moves the mountains,
Who with a word, sets the stars in place.
He offers living water from his fountain
And pours out upon us, unending grace.

He is the one the hills bow down to.
He is the mountain mover.

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