Saturday, June 1, 2024

KWA assignment on faith scripture

KWA assignment 6/1/24

What do you need faith for 


And without faith it is impossible to please himfor whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. "

It is in the drawing nearby. Draw near to me my daughter. Oh, how I will rend the heavens for you dear one. Be at peace that I am faithful and the mustard seed of faith you have is enough. Don't focus on if your enough. Just draw near to me.  I ask you to also remember, remember who I Am and where I have been and moved in your life. The remembering is exercising and strengthening your faith. Doubt and fear weaken it. I am delighted when you walk and sit with me. My desire, daughter, is for you to know your need for me but also that I am He who meets your needs. Will you come and draw near? Will you lay all your fears at my feet? Oh daughter stop doubting and despising your own heart. Trust that I know you inside and out and love you. all of you> I know your needs and I don't hold anything back based on your performance. I need you to believe that you are my joy. I delight in you and what you bring, so don't hold back. Trust me. I am the God of the intimate but also of the supernatural miracles. Ask not just for the small but dear one ask for the big. I can and want to show you the big. Come and dream for the big with me. I have given you words to share with the world. Will you believe that I can help you get them out and where I need them? 

KWA Devotional the Word


 KWA Devotional

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.

The living word living in us



The Logos of life, from before time began

Words speaking forth all existence

Rhema emanating from the one who knows the plan

Word of God coming alive

Words shared in verbal history

Words spoken to the scribe

Words given to uncover mystery

Words forming new life

The living word living in me

Words being given voice

Words that set captives free

Words that give choice

The musician’s words poured forth in song

The poetic word a personal psalm

The Spoken word preached hard and long

The bloggers word providing healing balm

The encouragers’ words helping others along.

The prophet’s words making others strong.

Kingdom words coming down

Words so needed for our world

Release of heavenly words where truth is found.


Do you believe you were born for such a time as this? That the Lord chose to reveal himself to you and that your life is not your own?   Then consider this, If in fact this faith journey, this walking in the way of the Lord, is what you’ve been saved into then we must embrace that he’s called us unto something. First and foremost, it is to seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and to love Him with all your heart and soul. As scribes for the Lord and as keepers of his word, can we believe that he has called us to worship him through our obedience in pouring forth his heart through our written words. The Lord is the living word living inside of us, he is also the fierce Lion of Judah roaring. Can you hear the invitation to be strong and courageous and release the words he has spoken personally to you? This is challenging for many of us because it may seem like what we have to say isn’t enough or that we might be required to write a novel. I believe its more a matter of listening to the father’s heart and letting him pour through our fingers on to the paper.  The what, when, and how your words are to go forth are to be placed back into His hands.

Lets take some time and ask the father for what’s on his heart to be written  or perhaps ask for the when and how or just ask for the boldness to step out and go for it ?

The Lord spoke this to me several years ago with regards to speaking in front of people I want to encourage you too


"out of your heart speak"
"Your heart and mine, intertwined"
"declare my heart in this place"
Continue to relinquish the need to please
"Trust the words of the one who resides inside'


Luke 6:45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

Proverbs 18:4 “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”