Wednesday, July 1, 2015

If you were our little girl

If you were our little girl

If you were our little girl I would let you climb up on the stool and bake cookies with you every day.
If you were our little girl I would let you paint and draw and tell you how creative you are.
If you were our little girl I would listen for hours to you singing and making music.
If were our little girl I would sweep you up and dance with you until our feet hurt.
If you were our little girl we would read books for hours, snuggled under blankets.
If you were our little girl I would let you get muddy and dirty and a bubble bath would be your reward.
If  you were our little girl we would gaze at  clouds and guess their shapes, we would look at the stars and talk about God.
If you were our little girl we would encourage you  to climb mountains, swim, fish and dilly dally the day away.
If you were our little girl you would fearlessly ride your bicycle up and down hills waving at everyone in town.
If only you were our little girl when you were little... but God's plan is much different and so you come into our lives almost all grown up but my mamma heart says you are now my little girl and my desire for you is all of the above plus so much more.

1 comment:

  1. You. Are. Killing. Me. I love this and have tears................oh, oh, oh, oh! Thank you!
