Monday, October 26, 2015

There is an uneasy place

There is an uneasy place
Where all is good yet the invasion of disquiet persists
All blessings counted for the day
Check list done
All in its place
And yet turbulence just can’t resist.
The spirit stirring
Still more to obtain
Not objects or crowns
Not things to be grasped
But something amiss.
To be, to just sit,
To enter his rest.
To fill up on words that will wisdom beget.
This “restlessness” not letting us forget
The real purpose is not our check list
Our place is not steady
We need to be on our knee's ever ready
To reach, love and care,
To rescue, give hope and prepare,
but not before we come in prayer
To the uneasy place to keep us
Holding to the one who does not shake.