Thursday, January 14, 2016

Loving Hurts

Loving Hurts:

Early on we give our trust
To imperfect parents who sometimes deserve it and sometimes are a bust.
We learn to play and hug
Our siblings or our family, but that too can drag our hearts in the mud.
Loving hurts
Don’t want to risk the cost.

Lucky enough to find a spouse,
Love and belief given; sometimes worthy, sometimes a louse.
Church Families welcomed and embraced,
Openly Secrets shared but too often our confidence misplaced.
Loving hurts
Don’t want to risk the cost.

Friendships formed from a common place,
Overlapping lives, soon to turn to distaste.
Beloved pets becoming dear
snuggles to soon gone, death has come near.
Loving Hurts
Don't want to risk the cost.

Deeper loving, learning from the Father and the Son
Holy Spirit too, teaching to be one.
Relationships built on a different foundation
One that was and is and will be forever in creation,
Worth the risk though it costs
To give our hearts even if all is lost.

Loving Hurts
Don’t want to risk the cost
But I know the One who risked it all
And now must respond to my own risky call.

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