Mommom, my step mom has been baking cakes for her grand kids since the very first one. It has always been a highlight at special occasions to see what she has created. We would tell her the "theme" of the party and wait with anticipation to see what kind of wonder would be made. Over the years we have celebrated with Cinderella, Winnie the pooh, princesses , Bob the builder and Pokeman to name a few. There have been 3D treasure Chests with candy jewels spilling out and a carriage made of sugar and a swimming pool that made you want to dive in. Mommom could be counted on to make special orders including a gluten free cake and enough sheet cake to feed 50 people or if cupcakes were your fancy, a dozen vanilla and a dozen chocolate would be decorated and delivered with a smile and cool candles. The first batch of grand kids are "aging out" and so we see the cake master less often but still appreciate Mommom's sweet offerings including congratulatory "Mexican"cupcakes brought for a graduation Party.

Love those cakes!!! Keep it up mom-mom!