Sunday, November 29, 2015



We hold tight to what we have
Can we really release because He gave?
In the garden the Lord God provided all,
Yet the lie of holding out begat the fall.
The hope of progeny instead of being waited for
Pursued and sought with a maidservant to up the score.
Can we really trust to lay all down?
A child offering, a blazing fire, a lion’s den, a coat and a dream,
Places so very dark but Gods provision the theme.
Now it is our turn.
Can we risk it all and not fear the burn?
Give away our safe place?
Relinquish control in order to embrace
Obedience and utter faith?
Can we forgo our latte and our IPhone?
To feed the poor, the lost or those without a home?
Can we submit our anxiety and fears?
Yielding all even the pain and tears?
Releasing hope through gifts not our own
Giving time and words for Him to be known?
Can we cease the fight?
Submit the need to be right and just shine the light?
Can we dare surrender everything?
And allow from deep inside the praises ring?
Can I renounce the comfy life?
Use all I have to pour out on those who live in strife?
Will I capitulate that living on the edge is a balance act
Reliance solely on spirit and truth all other thoughts ransacked.
Can we let our fortresses crumble?
Allow ourselves to grope about and stumble?
Can we trust the one who does enthrall?
Can and will we surrender all?

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