Saturday, December 12, 2015


How do we discern when to forgive and forget?
Or when to trust again?
Grace is such an easy word to throw about
Especially if it is for us to gain.
We want to gather as much as we can
Holding it to cover ourselves and sooth our souls.
This Grace thing that has been paid for we know,
It was God’s intention before time began.
But the burdensome task is how do we bestow?
Pride fights its way past the truth
Blocking the ability to release another.
Grace wanting to be loosed
But the hurt and pain overcome and smother,
 The appreciation for the mercy we have received.
Grace a gift of great value,
 Given more than we have deserved.
Beyond words to comprehend why
Like a water damn we hold back and reserve
The flowing out of this act and word.
Grace poured out in full measure,
More than enough,
Unlimited treasure.
 Spirit Turn our hearts back so we may remember
How Graced washed over like a fountain of love.
Spirit blow your truth on these embers,
Though yet sinners so unworthy of,
Yet even then Christ died for us.

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