Be it age or revelation, I have become more aware of my need
to spend time with my extended family. Facebook, texting and phone time are all
well and good but let’s face it, face to face moments are to be treasured. It
is about making connections and making our short spell on this earth meaningful
through relationships. It started this year with the honor of flying to Florida
with my sister to mark my dad’s 80th birthday. Then came lovely visits with my first niece
including her driving out two times in the past 3 month’s one of which was “just
because”. Yesterday was spent driving to New Jersey to have the opportunity to
visit with a cousin from Arizona. The day was filled with an added bonus as I got to share a meal with my step mom, dad, sister and niece as well. I am feeling reflective
as I think about my nephew and his gal making plans to move to Arizona. His
Impromptu and planned visits to us throughout his four years at University of Delaware
have been especially warming and will be sorely missed. Time does not stand
still and our windows of opportunity are not predictable. I am guilty of neglecting
family connections and placing them on the back burners especially those outside my immediate
sphere. Missed opportunities like seeing my other niece get married are places of regret that I hope to visit less often as I try to spend my time connecting more often.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Chase the light
“Chase the
Grabbing after things that elude and melt
Chase the light,
Light makes all
things clear.
Busy building
temples, and images that fade.
Chase the light,
Light is
eternal, the stars and sun, firmly in place.
Night encroaching,
sitting in the dark, lost and lonely.
Chase the light,
Light speaks
truth where lies would dwell.
Eyes grow dull and accustomed
to the night, not really seeing.
Chase the light,
Light overcomes
the shadows, illuminating all.
Where is the
Has not the
source deposited it in the hearts of men through Faith in Him.
Light shines,
eyes drawn to its brightness.
Better is it to
stay put in the dark or to chance and follow the light?
Chase the light
Light gives warmth,
the source of life to all things living.
John 1:4- 5 “In
him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The
light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.”
John 3:19-20 “This
is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness
instead of light because their deeds were evil.20 Everyone
who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that
their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives
by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what
they have done has been done in the sight
John 8:12 “I am
the light of the
world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
The phrase "Chase the light" was borrowed from some Ladies from” IF Equip” in reference to 2 Peter 1:16-22.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Beautiful Body
Beautiful Body
Toes that wiggle curl and straighten providing balance,
Feet that pound the pavement thrusting into motion,
that give birth and life,
Torso, holding vital parts with care,
Arms and hands, reaching and touching,
Bones firmly give foundation,
Lips and mouth, smiling, speaking hope,
Eye's seeing need all around
Ear's listening for direction
Head, over all, originator of movement and director of the
When in harmony so beautiful “Poetry in motion”.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Whose child is this?
Whose child is this?
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Gather, make piles, and gather more. Purchase and make food to fill up coolers. Bow and arrows, fishing waiters, bible, boots and more to be brought.
Check gear and place in bins. Pack clothing and check the list. Eat dinner, grab wallets and keys and out the door but wait come back for one last thing. Such
is the comings and goings of the men in this house. Frequent are the trips up
to the cabin (a four and a half hour drive) and frequent is the whirlwind to get packed
and on the way. Sometimes I come along
and add to the fray but more often I am trying to facilitate and hasten the
departure so peace can once more reside. This time was no different except that
instead of the handful of guys hanging at the cabin there will be approximately
75 men and boys camping out gathering in the name of Jesus. Somewhere out there,
there are others gathering and packing and making their own hurly-burly in
hopes of finding and awakening to the wild alive hearts they were given. Men experiencing
the freedom to move in how they were created, a bit untamed, bold and brave not
having to be hemmed in by woman’s definition of manhood. The tumult well worth it for both the travelers and the ones left at home by my standards. A quiet space and books to be read for me and adventure for them.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Yom HaShoah
Yom HaShoah (A day of remembrance of the holocaust)
4/15/2015 was a day to remember the holocaust.
I do not have first-hand knowledge of relatives who were directly affected but
it is something that should impact us all.
Genocide noun
- The
deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a
particular ethnic group or nation.
1 JOHN 4:19-20 “We love, because He first loved us. If
someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for
the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he
has not seen.”
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Tax time

Tax day is just no fun nor are the days between January 1st
and April 15th for many. My Blessed brother is our tax guy now. He has put up
with us sending stuff in drips and drabs, e-mailing and calling a thousand
times to ask favors and questions, all while trying to finish up his regular
paying customers. Over the 25 years of marriage we have had several
people help us including my dad, 2 different expensive accountants, and good old Turbo tax but we have invariably ended up calling
my brother for advice any way. This year was no different although we thought
we had been efficient sending off our info as well as the older children's tax
stuff. David e-filed our federal and PA state taxes only to have us get a
late piece of info, requiring an amended tax submission and many
confused calls from me to understand what I was supposed to
do. Then more emails were fired off as more misunderstanding about the young adult’s
state taxes. Finally all was good, money was sent, and correct forms filled out
but then came time for the dreaded local county taxes. The day was put off in
hopes of avoiding filling out the 1 page, simple yet bewildering, forms
thinking that maybe a rescue from my brother would come through at his busiest,
craziest time but alas we were on our own. April 14th we hunkered down and tried
to wade through. Almost completed, two out of three envelopes were stamped and addressed
when suddenly the sheet of stamps literally disappeared. Searches at ten o’clock
at night desperate to have things finished and in the mail 1st thing
on the 15th came to no avail. Never have we waited until the last
moment it felt like at any moment the tax police would be beating down our door.We made the deadline with our local taxes post marked 4/15/15, and can now be counted as one of "THOSE" last minute people.
Monday, April 13, 2015
The quality or state of being secure: as
a : freedom from danger : safety
c : freedom from the prospect of
being laid off <job security>
Security; probably one of my favorite words and feelings. To
be ensconced safely at home, to feel secure in my finances, to have sureness that all is well. Unfortunately that is not where freedom is found. To place value
in the things that are fleeting is just dumb yet I crave it and have invested
large chunks in trying to keep things balanced and secure. My head tells me that
I have a big God who is trust worthy, yet my desire to run to safety has many
times overridden my yearning to be bold and fruitful.
It is like I am on an island with just enough food and water but
I know these will eventually run out. Upriver is a never ending supply of all I
need. There is a raft with an oarsman in the river waiting to take me up
stream. The knowledge is there but am I willing to step into the river. The oarsman can read the weather and knows if
the island will flood or if a hurricane will hit and is calling me to move out
to the places he has already spied out. But the pull to stay put is strong.
Again head and heart knowledge so separated at times. True freedom and
security happens when I step in.
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Please Feel free to share any memories you have of her with me.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
I will praise you, Lord, among
the nations;
I will sing of you among the peoples.
For great is your love, higher than the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
let your glory be over all the earth
I will sing of you among the peoples.
For great is your love, higher than the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
let your glory be over all the earth
Back packs
Coffee Cups
All carry valuable or needed items. They are transporters of
what is placed in them whether it be books, phone numbers, money, or Twin
Valley Coffee. They are also temporary holders as things are often placed in to
only be taken out or used. When we receive
Christ as our Savior we then become his vessels. He gets to place in us his
spirit and to the measure that he sees fit. As I read over the above verses the
other day I was lead to contemplate the last verse about God’s glory being over
all the earth. If Christ in us is the Hope of Glory, If we are the vessels of
this light we need to carry with care that which we are given and also be
willing to be used at God’s discretion. What will his glory over the earth look
like? Is it when we all proclaim Christ is
Lord? As the bearers of his image when we sing his praises among the nations
and sing of Him among the peoples are we being vessels to help spread his
glory? Conversely when I do not sing his praises, when I am complaining am I then being a leaky container, spilling out the good stuff making it unusable.
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles
the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope
of glory. Colossians 1:27
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Leaneth Not
5 Trust in the Lord with
all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6 In
all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs
Yes of course I
comprehend and know this is true. "Jesus' ways are higher...” etc. Living this out though is challenging, especially
when I am often not even able to see my own lack of understanding. Translating head to heart knowledge is the trial.
I can know something but do I really perceive the real essence or truth of what
I think I know. I can ascertain that the loss of a phone is not important in
the scheme of life. I can praise God in
spirit and know that it is “well with my soul” only to let my mind get sucked
into the vortex of fret over submitting insurance claims, affidavits and trying
to set up temporary phones. I can recognize that God is good no matter what but
do I ginṓskō,( to know,
especially through personal experience ) that he is truly good and
that I can trust him with all things big and small. The battle ground is in the
deepest parts of our hearts and brought forth via getting to know through experience that He is who He says He is and that he is trustworthy through the thick and the thin of life.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Forgetting to remember
Forgetting to remember.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
The reluctant princess
Once upon a time there was a king who adopted a daughter. She
loved the king and would hang out with him often but when the enemy came and
attacked, the girl ran to the towers and hid herself there. She could watch from
the window all that went on in the kingdom and would sometimes come down and
visit but she found comfort in her hideaway and would return to it often. After
a while she realized how truly confining the tower was and with help from her
sisters and brothers broke down the walls making it impossible to return there.
She longed to serve the King and would watch as he would dole out blessings, healing
and provisions to his subjects. She would dream about gathering these supplies
from the king and helping in dispensing them out in the Kingdom but would then
become fearful and retreat to a quieter corner and busy herself with other work.
Sometimes she would become so busy that she would lose sight of the king and
forget about the others in the kingdom. The gentle king would call her name and
beckon her to come stand near him and reminded her that if she stayed close enough
to him he would tell her what was needed. Her only command was to stay close
enough so she would be ready if he needed someone to wipe a tear, provide a
drink or give a word of hope. The princess would do well for a while but would
frequently wander off only to find that the king would whisper her name and
welcome her back without hesitation.
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