Forgetting to remember.

The stuff we have accumulated will perish and be forgotten.
The things that people have created and built during their lives on earth
quickly pass from our thoughts. It is our relationships with those who have
passed on that linger. We who are here on earth give significance to those who
are dead by treasuring their memories.
In the Old Testament the Israelite's would set up altars to try to
remember such as when God told Joshua and the Israelite's as they crossed the Jordan
stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever”. They were
given the command to remember” what the Lord has done” through the celebration
of Passover. We as Christians also have
holidays that ask us to remember, Easter being key in remembering Jesus’ mission
in coming to earth. We participate in communion so we can be reminded, the
Jewish religion lights candles in remembrance and many other cultures
participate in festivals to remember the dead. These external observances are
needed because we forget. We forget to remember. But what if I was more closely
in fellowship with Jesus, spending time as I would my own children and spouse
so that it became almost impossible to delete the memories made. What if
spending time with Jesus became more of a priority? Does the remembering become
easier because there is now attached more significance? Would the forgetting diminish?
I love this! Talk about deep! Man a live!