Many may disagree but this has been a good winter for me. As a type B personality who enjoys a slower pace I have found the snow and cold weather a bit refreshing. I am not necessarily a cold weather fan but the many days off have provided an automatic rest button from the busy. The frigid temps have also allowed for a hibernation from the world and time slots that may have other wise been filled with running here and there. The season of rest is so needed yet our culture and values are so opposed to stopping,even if we profess it is good, our body's and minds do not know how. This winter I feel , at least here in the north east, we have been given a gift from The Gift giver. The gift of staying in doors, huddling with family, reading a good book, and learning to be still.
you have put into words what my heart has been saying..............! Loved enjoying the outdoors with you and Ariel today! Very fond memory!