Friday, February 27, 2015



This is a big year for the Cupo' 50th, our 25th anniversary, the oldest graduates college, the middle one graduates high school and the youngest heads into high school. Decisions need to be made. Some are fun or easy choices like how will we celebrate. Some are not mine to make and some have John and I puzzled such as where to send Ben next year. For many  families that is an easy one  but for a family who has utilized many different modes to educate our children it is a very challenging time. We have home, cyber, private, public and Wider schooled. All have benefited our children and met various needs. This year as we make this decision I feel a bit of unrest as we look at Ben's gifts and personality, trying to balance what will allow for growth not just academically but in his character and creativity as well as help open doors for future endeavors. Though we are pondering this at great lengths I am not worried and know whatever the choice God will be in it although would love that obvious easy answer.


  1. Congratulations on all the milestones!!! They say life is stranger than fiction and if this was in a book I wouldn't believe it. I was just whining to a friend about school decisions, "what year do I not have to think about this?" and I let it gnaw at me when I just need to turn it over and wait patiently.

  2. Why is it such a difficult thing? It usually turns out fine but it does 'Gnaw".

  3. I'm in a similar boat, Dale. Prayers for you as you move forward, and faith for the character building of Ben!

  4. I love that as homeschool parents we wrestle with this. We need to wrestle!
