Monday, March 30, 2015

Friends forged in Prayer

Friends forged in Prayer

There is something about ties made while praying together. Friendships that may or may not have been developed or kept if it were not for the common bond of Jesus as our savior. We had the privilege of spending part of a weekend with a couple whose connection goes deep although our paths do not cross as often as they use to.  It is a relationship built through tears, laughter and mutual encouragement and support of one another. There is no judgment passed when communication is far and long between. There is an ease in picking up where we left off and an ability to go straight to the hard stuff, not having to wade through the trivial formalities. It is difficult when these relationships seem to slide into the background due to life changes yet I sense that it is very necessary that we continue to grow new bonds. It is like the Girl Scout song…
                                            Make new friends but keep the old
                                            One is silver and the other gold.
These older friendships forged in prayer are very much treasured but the need to continue to reach out beyond these “gold” ties is required in order for us to not become cliquish and stuck.  I feel like it is for our own benefit to be pushed out of these comfortable places so that new connections can be formed.


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