Reluctant traveler

I have mixed feelings about an upcoming trip. I have not traveled much in years. My longest get away post children has been about 2 nights without family so going for 5 nights sans spouse and kids is tugging at my comfort zone. No one is to blame for this discomfort it is simply a result of my homebody nature. I am one that even when we do travel has the urgent need to set up "base camp" wherever we are. I also feel the need to make sure all is fine at home when I am absent, making sure appointments will be gotten to, groceries and supplies for dinner outlined, children attended to. I sometimes would rather just stay home then contend with these things but this is a year where I am feeling the need to be stretched so I said yes to traveling with my sister. Our destination is warm and I am truly happy to spend this special time with my sister just slightly reluctant to leave all behind.
I am so happy for you! It is time you head for Dodge!