Friday, March 13, 2015

What I like about social media/technology.

What I like about social media/technology.

Image result for images of technology in everyday life

I enjoy the reminders for people's birthdays' because  before Facebook I never remembered.
I find pleasure in browsing on Pinterest for recipes and ideas for work.
I think communicating via email or texting is so much better than the phone when face to face is not possible.
MapQuest/Google maps have greatly reduced my pile of Atlas's.
It is amazing that we can post a prayer request and 1000's of people can be praying within minutes.
It brings me joy when others share whats going on in their lives including cute baby and pet pictures.
I love that there are apps to aid people with disabilities to have a literal voice.
I like that we can know what is going on  around the world and feel part of something bigger than ourselves.
I find it informative to hear about the many injustices such as a recent post pertaining to FGM, the systematic mutilation of women.
I love that we can see and choose to be a part of the solution by connecting to the many organizations that are out there.
I  love that women across the nation can be in community reading the same bible passages and sharing together, lifting one another up in prayer and hope, on a daily basis such as on IF Equip.

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