Sunday, March 15, 2015


What if we all just uncovered our selves?
 In the beginning there was a man and a women naked  and unashamed with full access to it all. They had nothing and needed nothing. Yet somehow the lie penetrated and it felt like it was not enough. Eve took that awful 1st bite and then shame entered in, no longer did it feel safe to let God see them as they were so the pair hid from God. God slaughtered that first animal and provided cover...The story continued; The chosen people were required to make sacrifices as a means to cover for their sin. And then Jesus came and became the last and only sacrifice of blood needed to cover our sins. If this is our belief then we as believers are covered completely and should not fear to walk in full nakedness before our God. We do not need to cover ourselves with our "good" works nor any other false covering. We can offer ourselves just as we are, in humbleness and honesty, and in trust that He has us covered.


  1. The attempts at coverage discourage me due to their total acceptance in society and complete lure. The clothing is so fashionable,so chic. The advertisements lure me into thinking I need this apparel. I know I'm going out of the making sense zone but it is making complete sense in this brain of mine.

  2. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. The freedom to be uncovered and trust him to do the covering for us.
